
What about…?

Yes, a lot of things are different. And done differently.

Why do you… or What about…type of questions come up all the time.

Here is an attempt to address some of them. If you know differently and would like to add to these please add to the comments. Or if you have more questions, we will find the answers or make something up!

Why do Indians eat with their hands?

Eating with hands is a common practice in many cultures around the world, including India. In India, eating with hands is considered to be a more intimate and personal experience, as it connects the individual to the food they are consuming. It is believed that the warmth of the hands enhances the flavors and aromas of the food, making the eating experience more enjoyable.

Is that not unhygienic?

The tradition of eating with hands in India is not necessarily connected to the idea of being cleaner, but rather a way of being more in touch with the food and the act of eating.

Cleanliness is an important aspect of Indian culture, and it is customary to wash one’s hands before and after meals. In fact, the concept of hygiene and cleanliness is deeply ingrained in Indian culture and has been practiced for centuries.

The practice of washing up and brushing teeth is also an important part of Indian culture, with ancient texts like the Vedas (dating back to 1500 BCE) mentioning the use of neem twigs as toothbrushes and herbal pastes for oral hygiene.

The Ayurvedic system of medicine, which originated in India thousands of years ago, also emphasizes the importance of oral hygiene and cleanliness for overall health and well-being.

Overall, the practice of eating with hands and the emphasis on cleanliness and hygiene in India are deeply rooted in the country’s culture and traditions, with a history that goes back thousands of years.

Is there a traditional medicine system?

Traditional Indian medicinal sciences, also known as Ayurveda, have a rich cultural and historical background that goes back thousands of years. Ayurveda is considered to be one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world, and it originated in India around 5,000 years ago.

The term “Ayurveda” is derived from the Sanskrit words “ayur” (life) and “veda” (knowledge), and it is based on the idea that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit.

Ayurvedic medicine emphasizes the use of natural remedies, including herbs, minerals, and other natural substances, to treat and prevent illnesses.

In addition to herbal remedies, Ayurvedic medicine also includes a range of other practices, such as massage, yoga, meditation, and dietary guidelines.

Ayurveda is still widely practiced in India and is gaining popularity in other parts of the world as well.

Ayurveda also has a long history of surgical procedures, with ancient texts like the Sushruta Samhita (dating back to 600 BCE) describing surgical techniques for various conditions, including cataracts, fractures, and tumors. The text describes procedures such as rhinoplasty (nose surgery), which was performed using techniques similar to those used in modern plastic surgery.

Overall, traditional Indian medicinal sciences, including Ayurveda and surgical techniques, have a deep cultural and historical background in India and have been practiced for thousands of years.

While modern medicine has certainly evolved over time, many people still turn to traditional Indian medicinal practices for their health and wellness needs.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a practice that originated in India thousands of years ago and is deeply connected to the country’s cultural and historical heritage. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” which means to yoke or unite, and it is based on the idea of achieving union between the mind, body, and spirit.

The practice of yoga has evolved over time, with many different styles and approaches emerging. However, the foundational principles of yoga, such as breathing techniques, meditation, and physical postures (asanas), remain consistent across different styles.

In India, yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and has been integrated into many aspects of daily life. It has been practiced by yogis and spiritual seekers as a way to attain spiritual enlightenment, and it has also been used as a form of physical exercise and stress relief.

In recent decades, yoga has become increasingly popular in the Western world, with millions of people practicing it as a form of exercise, stress relief, and overall wellness. This increased popularity has led to the development of new styles of yoga and the creation of many yoga studios and classes around the world.

Is Meditation different from yoga?

Yes, meditation is different from yoga, although they are often practiced together.

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India, and includes various physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques.

Meditation, on the other hand, is a practice that involves focusing the mind and calming the body in order to achieve a state of relaxation, mental clarity, and inner peace.

There are many different types of meditation that originated in India, including:

  1. Vipassana Meditation: This is a Buddhist meditation technique that involves observing the sensations of the body in order to develop insight into the nature of reality.
  2. Transcendental Meditation: This technique involves the use of a mantra, or a repeated word or phrase, in order to quiet the mind and achieve a state of relaxation and inner peace.
  3. Yoga Meditation: This type of meditation is often practiced in conjunction with yoga postures and breathing exercises, and involves focusing the mind on the breath or a particular point of concentration in order to quiet the mind and achieve a state of inner peace.
  4. Mindfulness Meditation: This technique involves bringing one’s attention to the present moment and observing one’s thoughts and emotions without judgment, in order to develop greater self-awareness and mental clarity.

There is no one “best” meditation technique that is popular in India, as different techniques may be more suitable for different individuals based on their personality, lifestyle, and goals. However, Vipassana and Transcendental Meditation are two of the most popular techniques practiced in India and around the world.

What is Mindfulness Meditation? It seems different in the class I took.

The Indian type of meditation that is considered the basis for mindfulness meditation used now everywhere is Vipassana meditation. Vipassana is a Pali word that means “insight” or “clear seeing”. It is a meditation technique that originated in India over 2,500 years ago and was taught by the Buddha himself.

Vipassana meditation involves observing the sensations of the body in order to develop insight into the nature of reality.

Mindfulness meditation, which is now used in many therapeutic settings and is a popular form of meditation practiced in the West, is based on the principles of Vipassana meditation.

It involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment, and cultivating an attitude of acceptance, kindness, and curiosity towards one’s experience.

This approach can help individuals to develop greater self-awareness, manage stress and anxiety, and improve their overall well-being.

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