About... Desi Food

Curry Everywhere!

How is curry used around the world? Today curry can be found all over the globe with some of its most popular variations being found in Japan (curry rice), Thailand (green or red Thai curries) and Britain (the classic chicken tikka masala). In addition to these countries however there are also several others which have […]

Desi Food Recipes

Jackfruit: Ancient Origins to Modern Kitchens

Discover the versatility of Jackfruit, from traditional sweet and savory dishes across Asia to innovative meat substitute recipes in Western kitchens.

A Way of Life Desi Words or Terms Indian culture Spirituality in India

What is the Bhagavad Gita?

The Bhagavad Gita is a 700-verse Hindu scripture, part of the Mahabharata, presenting a dialogue between Prince Arjuna and his guide Krishna on the battlefield. It’s a philosophical guide offering insights on duty (Dharma), ethics, and living a fulfilling life. The Gita addresses life’s challenges, advocating for right action without attachment, mindfulness, and the pursuit of self-realization. The Gita provides practical wisdom for moral living and spiritual guidance, remaining relevant across time and cultures.



Sankranti and Pongal are vibrant harvest celebrations in India. Makar Sankranti signifies the sun’s transition into Capricorn and is celebrated with kite-flying competitions in Gujarat, while Lohri in Punjab is marked by bonfires and traditional dances. In Andhra Pradesh, Sankranti is a three-day celebration, and Pongal in Tamil Nadu involves four days of festivities, including the preparation of special dishes symbolizing prosperity.


Desi Health

This is the starting point for a series of posts dedicated to the health of the Indian diaspora. Join us as we travel along to find out the secrets of well-being through articles on the nourishing benefits of traditional foods, insights into the rise of lifestyle diseases, and actionable tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. […]

Desi Food Desi Health

Desi Diet & Desi Genes

Tradition: The Wholesome Indian Diet Traditionally, Indian cuisine was a colorful tapestry of whole grains, lentils, vegetables, spices, and an array of regional specialties. A typical meal was a harmonious blend of various food groups, each contributing its unique flavor and nutrition. It was a diet steeped in heritage and wisdom. Transformation: The Modern Indian […]

Desi Food Desi Health

Epigenetics for Desis

In a remarkable lab study, the addition of leafy green vegetables to the diet improved health, reversing disease and even influencing the genetic legacy of future generations. Explore how this groundbreaking experiment shows the power of simple food choices in shaping our genes.

Desi Food Desi Health

Diabetes & Desis

Delve into the link between British colonialism and diabetes in India. Learn how historical famines and genetic adaptations have shaped the region’s health

Indian culture

Things Desis Do

Things Desis Do! Desis do a lot of things, don’t they, which are very normal for desis. But folks from different regions do the same things differently and that’s even kind of confusing too! And things are done a lot differently from elsewhere in the world. Do you wonder why desis (or Indians) do somethings […]

Desi Food Desi Health

How Much Protein Do We Really Need?

Curious about protein intake? Let’s delve into the facts. Learn about protein needs, myths, and diverse sources in this short guide.